's what makes Texas great -- what a sunset!
In attendance were: V.P. Bo Zimmerman, Pres. Charlie Boas, V.P.
Don Kassebaum, Chris Holcombe, Skipper Smith and George
Wyche (not shown). John Hautzenroeder emailed his regrets. His
wife was just getting out of the hospital after a close call from a brain
aneurysm. It appears she escaped without a stroke.
Chris forgot to stick his A2000 in the car this morning and, seeing as how he lives 30 minutes east of here, didn't go back for it.
However, Bo brought one of the many, many grab bags from his truck load of Commodore equipment from Colorado. This one turned out to be an A2000. We all were amazed at the 5 1/4 floppy drive in it. When the sucker refused to boot from a 1.3 OS disk in the right hand 3 1/2 drive Bo unfolded his handy Swiss Army knife and we took it apart.
Ah ha! A PC bridge board! We swapped the left & right microfloppy drives, but no order of input cable or jumpers would bring up the OS in its entirety. While we labored we conducted our business affairs. We decided on having the Christmas Party on December 16 at Rudy's BBQ near US183 and Oak Knoll. That is our regular 3rd Monday time slot. We also caught up on news which boiled over into the PigSIG.
Being close to Conan's and shifting our whole evening back 30 minutes means we can participate in the $6 all you can eat (salads included) option which 3 of us did.
Charlie didn't because he and family ate just after having arrived back from Pennsylvania late this afternoon. They were in Pennsylvania attending Charlie's father's funeral last week.
Chris bowed out back at the library having to pick his son up from another place before heading home.
Skipper Smith is venturing into the restaurant business in Dallas starting next month. He won't be the chef, but will be Mr.Moneybags and is taking a healthy interest in how the money is spent here in the beginning. He feels that he has no illusions about the chances of success, but also feels the location, location, location feature will do the trick.
Don is still out of work and is seeking a position just about anywhere in the state, now. That brought me to the news that honarary, lifetime CTACS member Mark Thomas is relocating to California for at least a year to follow the company after it got bought out. They made 3 offers to attract him away from Austin, before he succumbed. He is ALREADY homesick and hasn't really even started yet!
Since Bo and Skipper hadn't met before, there was lively shop talk that Charlie politely put up with. We called it an evening just before 10pm.