This evening we had Charlie Boas, Don Kassebaum, George Wyche and Keith Sterzing who arrived a little late. We set up Keith's 3000 and gave another college try to make yam2.4 work. We failed. We followed the 4 general suggestions given by YAM's author.
Next on the list is to verify that all of MUI is there and to use SnoopDos to fill us in on why the program cannot be started. We verified that all of YAM2.4 was there; that there was sufficient memory; that no YAM was already running by looking in WBStartup and in the startup files; that the ASSIGN's point the proper place, that MUI libraries are the ones provided by YAM2.4 and they ARE in the right place. There are 2 anomolies we found. There are older and newer files for 3 of the MUI libraries. Their dates and file sizes differ (by 8 bytes each). We renamed the older ones and rebooted. Still YAM won't come up. The other strangeness are that those 3 files all have a .mcp in addition to .mcc extentions. The .mcp parts are not versions late enough to pass the requirements list in the installation. However, the .mcc ones all had version #s meeting the requirements. The .mcp ones do come from the YAM .lha files. Did the author overlook the .mcp? We couldn't find any with later verions. Oh well. We gave up about 8:45 and all but Keith headed for the PigSIG.
There was a huge Savage size pizza in that pan.... I swear it. Charlie and I made it disappear.
He, Don and I talked alot about economic conditions, the plight of Pioneer Farms, the future, the fire station/fighting cutbacks.