Attending: Charlie Boas, Roger Clark, Keith Sterzing, George Wyche and Bo Zimmerman.
Well, that's all of us there. Our past president, Roger Clark, had one of those rare nights off from work on a Tuesday. He chose to spend it with us, specifically with Keith Sterzing's machine. Current president, Charlie showed us how to use the Church's phone system through the check verication modem to gain access to IOCOM. Neither Roger nor Keith gave up trying, even after hours of dead ends. Charlie and George DID give up and went to Conan's before they closed. We feared the worst since none of the others joined us.
When I got home there was email from Roger with an outline of what was ultimately done to get Keith email access. It had been ONE YEAR since Keith had any semblance of electronic mail.
Our hats are off to Roger. He was tenacious.