In attendance were, around the table, Keith Sterzing, Don Kassebaum, Don Boas, Sergei Sterzing, Chris Boas, John Harron and George Wyche, not shown. That very reflective license plate decoration really caught the photographer off guard and degraded the image. Sorry 'bout that.
This business of eating 1st and then going after the meeting is really great. Nothing suits me better than talking about computers with a Shiner Bock backing me up. Something you might notice is that 1/2 of the people shown are under 30 years of age... that's good for the Amiga.
Don shows off this Amiga advertizement.
The program this evening was George's AmigaOne. Since he was also the photographer, we have no recent photos his setup. Since he is also writing up the meeting, he is admonished to "tone it down", so I'll just say that he showed ImageFX-Lite, microgolded, PageStream3.3, AmiPDF, the transparent menus, Thor and IBrowse. Those work. He explained that 90% of what they were seeing was OS4: emulating the 68000 instruction set with a 800MHz PPC. He fired up the GNU gcc compiler and proved that a gui code example could be modified, compiled and run (albeit a demo).
Then for the benefit of the younger crowd we ventured in the OS4:Contrib/Games/ and the AmigaOne fell flat as a LCD monitor. None of the games except Asokoban would work, and consumed quite a bit of time as we had to reboot with every trial. That drove away Chris (and hence Don). Sergei got off to playing with the ImageFX with a goal of making an animation however trivial. I was able to demonstrate that the program WhirlGif was able to do it and we showed off the result in IBrowse.
We really were over the time limit, but I had brought a blank CD with the intention of having the gang help me try to write a CD with MakeCD. Heavens! there was a lot of verbiage which seemed to say we were doomed to fail because we were restricted to "testmode". And we could not figure out how the accompanying FormatCD figured into this, so I blew it off for next time.. no CD written.
I vowed to show off working games, TurboCalc, AmiFTP, python, pdf export to PNG and MakeCD or some other CD burner by the time of the next meeting. The neat thing is that by then probably the OS4 update will have happened. The speed will only go ^^^ as software is converted to native PPC, too.