Chris Boas, Charlie Boas, Jacob Gonzalez, John Herron, Don Kassebaum, Keith Sterzing, and George Wyche attended.

Good news for Jacob: has a tech job. Good news for John: will have a non-state job come May 1.

After pizza and drink and letting Chris monopolize the AmigaOne, Keith and the rest of us concentrated on the A3000's YAM2.4 problem.

In short it is a screwed up directory meant for incoming mail. Don K. suggested we copy (as opposed to rename) files out of the messed up one into an new directory. That succeeded grandly. We renamed the offending directory to a "hands-off" type name. We took a long time because Keith has 2012 messages in the incoming box and any damn thing we did caused YAM to reindex... a time consuming activity at 30MHz (or so).

Chris and Charlie had walked here to Conan's (to earn those calories?) and Kathleen drove over to xport them home... freeing up the AmigaOne.

... whereupon George demonstrated the StarAm Plan spreadsheet and its German language acronyms for the various functions. George promised them he *would* send in the shareware fee (as soon as he gets his next paycheck.. always an excuse, eh?).

Mon Mar 20, 2006<-- | UP | --> Mon May 15, 2006
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