Attending were Charlie Boas, John Herron, Don Kassebaum, Keith Sterzing, Mark Thomas, David Williams, and George Wyche. And 3 large, thin crust, Conan's pizzas + ice tea as a couple rootbeers. Keith brought his A3000 and a modem. He hooked up all that stuff while we sorted out the food with picnic plates, chairs and napkins. We all cozied up around the long table. Alex we held off for a little while, but only a little. Sorry the contingent from San Antonio wasn't able to make it.
We were eating merrily when a woman leaned in the door and kinda of ordered us to use a table cloth and told where we could find one. Not stopping there she started in to get it for us, but George beat her to it (showing good faith). We made joshing references to that table the rest of the evening.
Hunger pacified, Keith started the program. The easiest problem evaporated in the presence of so much Amiga ambiance. Contention was that wouldn't come up in AWeb as it had once upon a time. He stuck it in the url entry box and, wahlah! up it came. Next problem?
Keith again brought up AWeb and showed us that a formerly working USPS form he used to get zipcodes was failing. He'd fill in the parts I've marked in red on the form, but a SUBMIT resulted in them being replaced with UNDEFINED. Mark and George tracked it down to the javascript function shown above. We suspect that the regular expression has somehow been stripped of it quotes, because it came back with an "illegal expression". Furthermore AWeb didn't recognize replace() as a legal function. Keith edited the source deleting the parts circled in red and ran it again. Indeed the form entries now returned unmolested. There was foo-fa-rah because we moved and renamed the source to ks.html, but out point was proven: AWeb couldn't handle the javascript (not to be confused with the java language).
Mark probed for other solutions and the one we tried was dredging up one of Keith's several copies of a demo version of IBrowse2.2 to run the form from there. Worked! All of this led to several questions and possible avenues for Keith... who will hopefully get them answered and take one of those roads.
Next up was a question about YAM. The question was "why does [any kind of]
clicking on lightled URLs in messages not run AWeb with that URL like
does happen within AWeb while in webmail?". Keith brought up YAM,
opened a message. There were several URLs highlighted in red. Indeed nothing
could be done with them. Mark, John and George had Keith run through the
[Configuration...] and [Settings...] menus, but the most
it seemed we could find was how to set the color of highlighted URLs. George
remembered the <Help> key, but the index revealed nothing more.
What would you call that feature? Shame there isn't a text search feature
for this YAM help. We concluded that YAM2.4 cannot do this. However, there
is always YAM2.5 which is beta even as we speak. George will look into it.
Mark Thomas volunteered (assuming he is in town) to give a program on an Amiga emulator via his brand spanking new 3.4 Giga Hertz lap top. I am not making that speed number up.
Lastly, I want to assure you all that the otherwise seemingly huge amount of garbage we seemed to have created at this pizza fest boiled down through composting, reuse and recycling to just the discard of the styrofoam cups, tops, straws, pepper pockets, and the napkins, the volume of which you can judge by the picture.