Attending: Keith S., John H., David W., Charlie B., Chris B., Sergei S. (hidden by Don), Don K., Mark T. and photographer George W.
The biggest news was Mark Thomas' announcement that he is getting married later this year. He brought some old Amiga stuff (the red box) which he gave away. He had picture prints of his visit to the 1997 Amiga Expo thumbnails of which we have always had on line here.
Keith Sterzing says he is willing to hold out until the end of this 1st quarter 2007 hoping for Amiga hardware to become available. He misses the use of the Sterzing family's new cable service. Ethernet cards for his A3000 are hard to come by and are expensive. He wants to run 20 times faster, not an add on.
We got Chris to exercise a few new games on the AmigaOne that George brought.