Attending Charlie B., Chris B., Mark T., and George W.
As it happens a friend of Charlie's, a fellow Boy Scout Leader, (sorry I've got to get his name), showed up pretty much be happenstance. It turns out that he is a former Amigan. He started a company using the video toaster with an Amiga, and kept with it until fancier real time editing equipment came along at a competitive price.
George and Mark had a discussion about when does a programmer cross the line of plagrism when viewing someone else's online source code when it comes to incorporating "similar" code in one's own coding efforts. Mark drew a tough line. George less so.
Chris is angling for a job with fall. He missed a deadline on enrolling at ACC due to a misunderstanding and to tardiness, but will make it all good in due time.
Charlie has gotten another opportunity to help out in the show world. Not only will he be building the set to "Rumpelstiltskin", but he has an acting part, too. That play runs in the early part of October.