Attendees: Paul (attending to Nick just off frame at the bottom), Carol, Arika, Kathleen, Marilyn, Charlie, and George manning the camera. A bit later we were joined by ?, Sarah, and Chris.
Charlie's birthday is tomorrow so we had a cake in celebration thereof. It was considered to be dessert, so having knocked off my salad, a veggie supreme, a hamburger, and a sausage slice, the beer was the 5th course. Arika thought I might be eating the coconut cream cake & beer!
Some people perused the Amiga Future magazine, but I think I'll bring
it next month also. Some attention was given to Nick's nearly full
"blank book" and the contents therein.
We talked about some peripheral issues with the MS150 that Paul completed 3 weeks ago. We talked about "bio rings" for bicycles because of their supposed contribution to ergonomic riding.
The biggest attention grabber seems to be a confluence of minecraft gamers including Charlie, Chris, Nick and by was of close association to Nick, Paul, too. I'm afraid your chronicle is clueless on the subject.
8pm! My time does fly.