On this cold and windy night Carol and George set out at 5:45pm to allow
45 minutes to join IH35, northbound, rush hour traffic out of Austin headed
to Round Rock's SALT LICK. It wasn't so bad. I can't remember the last time
I drove along here about this time... maaaaybe it was to give Mark and
Woo Young a mercy ride from UT to the Park & Ride east of IH35 at
Howard Lane in... 2006? Carol & I drove this route quite a bit in the
mornings on trips to Dallas, but then it was against rush"ing" traffic.
We were the first to arrive. Its just plain tiny compared to the Camp Ben McCullough Rd compound. Their sign is just too chique to quickly catch for pure information. At 6:30pm the Monday clientele were absent! Here at the entrance just 2 steps plops you at the bar where I got a draft beer while Carol looked on.
Two sips later Charlie and Kathleen came in and we all looked around for a table. They are all picnic style. Paul, Mark, Wu Young, and Jenni all piled through the entrance and joined us in choosing. Jenni's attendance prompted the choice of the one on the end.
And, after voting in the nominees by acclamation.... a fun time was had by all.
As we have noted in past exposures to new activities, the trip from IH35 over to here at the Dell Diamond seemed to take a looong time, but the return to IH35 felt like 1/3 the time. The rest of the trip against the lingering traffic out of Austin was a breeze.
See you next year!