CTACS General Meeting of March 20, 2014

Attending were your photographer, George W., and Carol W., Paul N., Mark T., Charlie B., and Kathleen B.

While the Amiga Future Nr.107 went from hand to hand for perusal, talk centered on Paul's MS150 ride just about the time of the next meeting. He further explained how the money raising is arranged and some of the ride organization that goes on so that riders like him end up with increased responsibility (and perks) attending to those newer to the ride.

Like last month, that led to talk about harrowing bicycle near encounters with cars, etc. and our individual actions to avoid dying in one of those encounters, yet bicycle none the less.

We commended Charlie on the Pie day events. Mark pointed out that as a fathers both he and Charlie could appreciate the time tugs that led to Mark's listing to a violin concert of principally 6 years olds that night.

For Carol and Kathleen at least it was about engineering stuff.

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