Health issues, family and personal, ruined desired association with us for John H., Kathleen B., and Keith S.. May 2015 put all of such things in your rear view mirror.
We closed up ranks and chowed down. Only Jenny and I were out of the picture (after doctoring as best I could) here at Stiles Switch BBQ. The low light and active partiers made it difficult to eliminate blur, but I figure that what with TLDR still on the up swing, it will soon apply to pictures, too, so here I'm being proactive.
One Christmas present came from Marilyn Rucker.. the formation of a new 6 person performing group that we will see around town in 2015. I asked Paul where they were practicing. "Downstairs from where Nick and I play computer games for the duration." That led to asking Nick about life around the house and that got into activities they share with the Wyche family of transfering recyclables to the City receptacle in time for pickup and such. Due to Nick's aversion to BBQ as a general category I chose to omit him on voting for the general quality of StilesSwitch. The meat is good, the price is average, the noise is high, and all is self service, access is easy, and its centrally located north-south for CTACS members.
There was talk about increased public transportation. "More" was the consensus, but some wanted it to be buses... more often and in more places, before expanded train service.
And there was talk of issues surrounding PTO (Personal Time Off) that many big companies, Oceaneering being one, that have replaced the traditional separation between sick leave and vacation. Too many subtleties for this recorder to sully a holiday report with.
The final order of business was the official election of officials for 2015. By a show of hands, initiated by Paul, 7 ayes & no nays for the current officials continue in the next year. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.