The meeting was attended with Charlie(taking photo), John, Jack, Taylor, Joe and Kathleen.
Joe brought a laptop to let everyone review and proof the January and February Web pages before they were uploaded to the server.
Charlie kidded Joe about bringing a Windows computer to the Amiga user group meeting. However Joe defended himself by pointing out that it was running Q4OS Linux with a Windows like user interface. He also ran Linux Hosted AROS on it. Taylor did a thorough review of the computer and confirmed that it wasn't Windows and was running Linux Hosted AROS.
There was also discussion about the Amiga movie "Viva Amiga: The Documentary" by Zach Weddington. More information can be found on its Facebook page.
Jack updated us on the status of the repair of Amiga hardware he got from Charlie at the previous meetings. He told us about the time he stored Amiga software and when he opened it up to discover there were spiders in the box. Charlie assured Jack he could keep any spiders he found in his batches of Amiga hardware and software.
Charlie brought his last batch of Amiga software and manuals in the back of his pickup for Jack and Taylor.
The meeting adjourned around 8:05 and Jack and Taylor took home the Amiga software and manuals.