Everytime I'm having too much fun I fail to get a photo before half the crowd has taken off. This penultimate evening before my 67th birthday was no different.
Attendees were Keith S., John H., Charlie B., Carol W., your photographer
George W. and missing are the Paul N. and Mark T. who had left a few
minutes before with Pizzas in hand for their families.
Our usual table was filled with party goers so occupied the big table at the western end of Conan's. The big issue was perusal of the day preferences of participating CTACS members. After assuring ourselves just what the presence or absence of info meant, we voted for 3rd Thursdays starting with our Christmas party next month, namely Thursday, December 19, 2013.
Mark volunteered he and Woo Song's hospitality at their new digs.
We decided that if the general membership approved, then the party would be a pot luck. George suggested an RSVP so we could volunteer dishes that won't end up everyone bringing desserts!
John Herron brought a laptop with the latest Commodore Retro newsletter which is presented for computers that simulate Commodores, complete with all the noises and s p e e d ! The newsletter does present current news.
It won't compete with the Amiga Future #105 magazine which is in color and you can read it at any speed. George paid up for another year of the German/English magazine.
One project George suggested was a group letter-to-the-editor to celebrate the Amiga in 2014.