Even with concerns about inclement weather earlier in the day, the meeting was attended with George(taking photo), Charlie, Jack, Joe, Dee, Taylor, and Mark.
George received the Amiga Future #120 magazine and brought it to the meeting to review.
The discussions were mainly work related while we waited for the food. These discussions included work schedules away from the Austin area on our meeting day and the challenges of creating job hiring processes with the tests that needed to be given to evaluate coding skills. At one point in the discussion, it turned to the general problem solving strategy of having the liberty to redo "software related" attacks at solving problems until you've gained enough familiarity with actual implementations as you get good enough at it where you can confidently declare it "finished". Charlie had a story of working on a map for his job with the City of Austin where he did just that. Taylor chimed in about similar experience with digital audio production.
Jack gave a status report on the A2000s he got from Charlie at a previous meeting. There was a fun discussion with Jack and George shared their experiences with dealing with Amiga 2000 computer hardware technology with their "old" eyes and how to get around the troubles with same. We've both been there.
Alex didn't make the meeting with Charlie's G4 that he was upgrading MorphOS and adding new UI features on it. He may have difficulties with weather related issues.
The meeting adjourned around 8:05. Thr May 5, 2016 <-- | UP | --> Thr July 7, 2016