CTACS General Meeting for April, 2007

George Wyche got to Conan's first, what with not bringing the AmigaOne and only having to come straight from home. He (I) took the opportunity to get a photo of the epitome of our fare here at Conan's. That's Shiner Bock, Amiga related news, 2 slices of Conan's Pizza, and the healthy salad (if you don't count the cheese piled on top).

Attending this evening were Raymond Schmalzl, John Herron, Chris Boas, Charlie Boas, Don Kassebaum and your recording secretary, George Wyche.

Amiga Inc. is in the news again with the purchase of the rights to name a sports stadium in Kent, WA (of all things and places). We have a several page listing of questions and responses about this surprise. Links show that this was a possibility mentioned over a year ago in some Amiga Inc. messages from CEO Bill McEwen.

We had talk about Amiga storage | backup options and Don said he remembered that RAID was offered and I admitted my skepticism. [Raymond emailed later with an AmiNet (where else?) link to said software. It also allowed mirroring and the like, too.]

No suggestions yet for a program next month. See you in May.

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